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gEDA-user: Re: change from ngspice to gnucap

Stuart Brorson wrote:
> The geda program manager is deprecated.  It hasn't been updated in
> several years, and is showing signs of age.  I suggest you just run
> the tools from the command line. 
> Alternately, you can hack the source to run gnucap.
> HTH and fG,
> Stuart
>> Hi,
>> how do I change the Programm ngspice to gnucap under the Geda GUI ?
>> There is no Button to execute gnucap.
>> Only for ngspice.
>> mfg Markus

Thanks for your fast Answer,
but is there any GUI to build the Netlist or another Workaround.
I know that i could do this manually by Hand, but
for larger Circuits i think, thats an disadvatage.

mfg Markus