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Re: gEDA-user: TwoStageAmp example

On Monday 02 April 2007 15:38, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Ummm, from my perspective, the "plan" is to retain the two
> circuit simulators as part of the suite.  Both have their
> places.  Al will continue to improve Gnucap, and ngspice will
> also (more) slowly evolve.  Folks can use either one,
> depending upon what works best for them.

They are going in completely different directions.

NGspice is spice and will always be. Evolution of NGspice should 
be aimed at reliaility and tradition, a traditional reference 
simulator you can rely on.

Gnucap is not spice.  It is emphasizing bring in the new, that 
is what can't be done in spice.  Eventually, it will mostly 
replace spice for most uses.  The legacy need for Spice 

There is sharing between the projects.  Since spice models can 
be used as plugins in gnucap, that means NGspice models can be 
used as gnucap plugins.  When I find issues in NGspice (using 
it as a reference simulator) I do give back what I find.

I think both are hurt when they try to be the other.  

NGspice is hurt when people try to extend it beyond what Spice 
is designed to do, especially when it is not done well.  

Gnucap plugins are intended as a way you can extend without 

Gnucap has been hurt by putting too much effort into making it 
look like spice.  This is especially true now, with a desire on 
the high end to move away from Spice.

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