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Re: gEDA-user: avoid route on component layer for specific component
ludovic SMADJA wrote:
Is a way to easily declare for some components (like IC) but not for
others (like resistor) not to route on component layer but only on
solder layer ?
The way we have now is not per component, but per layer. Before running autoroute,
stop showing the component layer, then run. Also you can create groups of layers,
then change some of them from one side to the other.
Also, after autorouting on all layers, you can select by area
including vias and footprints, then execute movetolayer (key <ctrl>m or <shift>m) to change the ones you want.
only the traces will be changed, not footprints. (This won't do anything useful for SMT footrpints...just thru hole)
John Griessen
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