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Re: gEDA-user: Gnucap crash

On Monday 09 April 2007 08:52, Patrick Doyle wrote:
> * gnetlist -g spice-sdb -o spice.netlist.wpd TwoStageAmp.sch
> .model 2N3904 NPN(IS=1E-14 VAF=100
> +  Bf=300 IKF=0.4 XTB=1.5 BR=4
> +  CJC=4E-12  CJE=8E-12 RB=20 RC=0.1 RE=0.1
> +  TR=250E-9  TF=350E-12 ITF=1 VTF=2 XTF=3 Vceo=40
> + Icrating=200m mfg=Philips)
> R5 Vin 1 10
> .OP
> RE1 0 Vem1 100
> Q1 Vcoll1 Vbase1 Vem1 2N3904
> R2 0 Vbase1 2K
> .end
> > > The crash/assertion failure occurs when I execute the
> > > "op" command at the Gnucap prompt.
> >
> > It didn't crash for me.
> Hmmm....
> It does crash for me... and it triggers an assertion failure
> when I build with debugging enabled -- the assertion is
> definately tied to the fact that 'precalc()' doesn't get
> called for RE1.

I see it now.  I ran it different than you did.

I know what happened ...  It has to do with the ability to 
change a circuit and continue.  What triggers the bug is 
putting ".op" (or any simulation command) in the middle of a 
Spice netlist.  The bug first appeared during work that allows 
you to change values in the middle of a run without losing 
data.  It works fine if there is an intervening command, but 
screws up when they are mixed like this.

> You've mentioned that one way I can help is by being a newbie
> doing newbie things to the simulator.  I encountered the
> crash last week, learned that I needed to move the .OP
> command to the end of the script, and continued on with my
> exercise.  Then, this weekend, I went back to where I saw
> crash and tried to debug it some more.
> I load that netlist with
> $ gnucap blah.ckt
> then I execute  the "op" command at the gnucap prompt
> gnucap> op
> I get a segmentation fault (with the 3-29 snapshot) -- I get
> an assertion failure at line 105 of d_res.cc when I do the
> same thing with a debug build of the 3-29 snapshot.
> Based on what I saw in the code, I remain very confused that
> you don't see the same error, but that's life, I guess.
> --wpd
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