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Re: gEDA-user: terminators

> That's what I'd do.  At the sort of volumes you and I work with it's
> a lot cheaper to use a FPGA big enough to include
> chipscope/signaltap even in the full design than to allow for an LA
> hookup.

I'm limited to QFP packages, though.  I picked the 3A family for some
reason, ah, power - the 3A doesn't need a 2.5v interface block.
I haven't tried synthesizing into the 3A yet to see how much space I'm

> Why not just use chipscope?  I thought you could get that for free
> these days (although admittedly I use Altera mainly for free Signaltap
> myself).

Well, if chipscope is freely downloadable, I'm OK with that.

> Hard to believe the LA expects signals that fast without active probes.

Well, I said Ms/s, not MHz.  It's mostly useful for measuring skew and
jitter relative to other pins.  I usually run at one of the slower
speeds, as the LA's compression doesn't work at the fastest speed.

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