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gEDA-user: Care to pinseq in slotted symbols

Yesterday I was pointed by someone to a bug in one of my slotted symbols
at gedasymbols -- later I found two more related bugs.

It concerns


Bug should be fixed now, sorry if someone had trouble caused by these

The error resulted from not carefully specifying pinseq. The symbols
have something like


meaning is: Use number 2 for first pin of slot 1, and numbers 6,9,13 for
this pin in the other slots. But of course this works only if pinseq is
correct for the 3 involved pins, i.e. it should be 1 for pin with number
2 (I forgot to change this...)

I think this is an error which may occur when someone works not
carefully enough, and it is not reported by gsymcheck 1.4.3. gsymcheck
even gives no warning if slot 1 has only 3 pins, but used pinseq 4,5,6.

(Do we really SHOULD need pinseq for slotted parts? It may work without,
by just replacing 2,3,1 from first slot to 6,5,7 for second -- if
programmed to do so.)

OK, I think we can not expect much help from gsymcheck, so we should
work carefully.

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

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