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Re: gEDA-user: Why are visible attributes in a .sym not visible in my .sch?

> > I have attributes in my symbol files that I mark as "visible".  This
> >    makes them visible when editing the .sym file, but NOT when editing
> >    the .sch file.
> I don't think so. I think if I add visible attributes to a symbol, they
> are visible (and edible) in the schematic.
> I think I read that visible attributes are always promoted?
I don't want the attributes promoted, that would result in multiple
copies of the same information that need to be kept synchronized.  The
attributes that aren't promoted that reside in my .sym files work
properly when I create a BOM with gnetlist.  The problem is that they
aren't visible on my schematic in gschem.  It seems to me that
promotion is a very different thing than making sym attributes visible
in gschem.  Promotion makes a *copy* of the attributes when you insert
a symbol into the schematic, and puts that in the .sch files.  Gschem
then sees that copy, which from it's point of view while editing, is
just an attribute that exists in the .sch, and has nothing whatsoever
to do with the .sym file.  If there's something bad about having
attributes in a .sym file be visible in a schematic (without copying,
aka 'promotion'), then why does gnetlist have access to those
attributes the same as attributes that are in the .sch?  I'm not
trying to be a jackass, I get the feeling there is a reason the
creators of gschem did this, and I'd like to know what it is so I can
use the tools properly.

> Maybe you should give an example, and tell use your gschem version.
gEDA/gschem version

> What is the benefit of sending the the text of themessage twice?
Sorry, that wasn't intentional.  Perhaps that's what happens when the
list receives an html email.


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