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Re: gEDA-user: arcs and circles in PCB via gui

Another idea - shift-click with the arc tool sets the center of a new
arc, then you can pick the two angles.

Currently, we do click (start point) click (end point).

This would allow shift-click (center) click (start point) click (end angle).

Or you could allow shift-click (center) shift-click (point on circle).

shift, ctrl for ovals (bounding box, or center-corner)

Other options include ctrl-click (start point) click (touching point) click (end point).

or ctrl-click (start point) ctrl-click (end point) click (points-to)
for smoothly transitioning from a pin to a nearby line.

Or ctrl-click (start point) shift-click (common tangent) click (end
point) for adding arcs that blend the corner of two lines.


click	click		start/end 90 arc (existing)
shift	click	click	center-startpoint-endangle
shift	shift		center-circle
shift	ctrl		ovals
ctrl	click	click	start-touches-end
ctrl	ctrl	click	start-end-pointsto (think postscript "arcto")
ctrl	shift	click	start-common-end (think postscript "spline")

Of course, these bindings are open to debate :-)

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