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Re: gEDA-user: Phase and Magnitude of Current

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On Friday 10 April 2009, awchang2@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I have this assignment for a circuit analysis class. We're
> supposed to use pspice, but I'm having a couple of problems
> using the software.
> We're supposed to find the magnitude and phase of I, I_C, and
> I_L. So I loaded up my netlist into ngspice, and I performed
> a transient analysis with a step size of 5 ns and a duration
> of 200 ns:

What method were you told to use with Pspice?

AC analysis?

Transient, and look at the graphs to determine phase?

There are lots of ways to do it.

At this level, it should be almost the same whether you are 
using Pspice, NGspice, or Gnucap.  Close enough that if you
understand one you can easily move to another.

ngspice -> tran 5ns 200ns

Do you really want transient??

If so .. your voltage source specifies a frequency of 477.5 Hz,
but running a transient analysis for only 200 ns will 
not show you much.

You really want AC analysis ..

Gnucap 2009.02.02 RCS 26.109
The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
Never trust any version less than 1.0
Copyright 1982-2007, Albert Davis
This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under the terms of 
the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.
See the file "COPYING" for details.
gnucap> b
>vs (1 0) sin (0 56.56 477.5) ac 56.56
>R1 (1 2) 1.5k
>R2 (2 3) 1k
>L1 (2 0) .333
>C1 (3 0) .167u
gnucap> print ac v(2) v(3) im(L1) ip(L1) im(C1) ip(C1)
gnucap> ac 1 10k dec 2  
#Freq       v(2)       v(3)       im(L1)     ip(L1)     im(C1)     ip(C1)    
 1.         0.078894   0.078894   0.037707  -0.07992    82.783n    179.86    
 3.1623     0.24949    0.24949    0.037707  -0.25274    827.83n    179.56    
 10.        0.78903    0.78899    0.037711  -0.79946    8.2788u    178.6     
 31.623     2.4979     2.4965     0.037753  -2.5354     82.838u    175.56    
 100.       7.9811     7.9375     0.038145  -8.2455     832.88u    165.76    
 316.23     26.293     24.955     0.039739  -32.278     0.0082805  129.37    
 1.K        31.662     21.844     0.015133  -91.033     0.022921   42.589    
 3.1623K    23.74      6.8502     0.003588  -94.519     0.02273    12.253    
 10.K       22.738     2.1572     0.0010867 -91.612     0.022635   3.832     
gnucap> ac 100 1000 100
#Freq       v(2)       v(3)       im(L1)     ip(L1)     im(C1)     ip(C1)    
 100.       7.9811     7.9375     0.038145  -8.2455     832.88u    165.76    
 200.       16.39      16.04      0.039167  -17.945     0.0033662  150.2     
 300.       24.97      23.818     0.039781  -30.078     0.0074975  132.45    
 400.       32.229     29.717     0.038509  -44.253     0.012473   112.98    
 500.       36.363     32.2       0.034759  -58.327     0.016894   93.99     
 600.       37.28      31.549     0.029696  -70.014     0.019862   77.793    
 700.       36.337     29.286     0.02481   -78.568     0.021511   65.134    
 800.       34.749     26.615     0.02076   -84.448     0.022341   55.541    
 900.       33.119     24.079     0.017588  -88.396     0.022739   48.243    
 1.K        31.662     21.844     0.015133  -91.033     0.022921   42.589    
gnucap> ac 477.5
#Freq       v(2)       v(3)       im(L1)     ip(L1)     im(C1)     ip(C1)    
 477.5      35.745     31.958     0.035778  -55.306     0.016012   98.081 

A little warning about NGspice --  In AC, it shows phase in radians.
To a professional, this is one of those trivial differences.
To a beginner, the trivial can give you all kinds of grief if you 
are not prepared for it.

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