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gEDA-user: pcb-elements not working
I am a first time user of this software and have run up against a wall.
I have downloaded a symbol (Reed-Relay_Meder_DIPxx-1C90-51D-2.sym) and accompanying footprint (Reed-Relay_Meder_DIPxx-1C90-51D.fp) from gedasymbols.org. the sym file went into gaf/gschem-sym on my home directory. The fp file went into gag/pcb-elements, also on my home directory.
Geda sees the symbol and allows me to place it in a schematic. When I run gschem2pcb against my project file, I get output that looks like things worked but I get some crazy surface mount footprint in place of what I am hoping for.
My footprint attribute reads "Reed-Relay_Meder_DIPxx-1C90-51D"
My project file looks like this:
schematics cutter.sch
output-name cutter
elements-dir ~/gaf/pcb-elements
gschem2pcb output follows:
lance@lance-laptop:~/gaf/cutter$ gsch2pcb project
gEDA/gnetlist pcbpins Backend
This backend is EXPERIMENTAL
Use at your own risk!
Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints
Done processing. Work performed:
1 file elements and 0 m4 elements added to cutter.new.pcb.
Next steps:
1. Run pcb on your file cutter.pcb.
2. From within PCB, select "File -> Load layout data to paste buffer"
and select cutter.new.pcb to load the new footprints into your existing layout.
3. From within PCB, select "File -> Load netlist file" and select
cutter.net to load the updated netlist.
4. From within PCB, enter
to update the pin names of all footprints.
Can someone please tell me what I am missing?
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