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gEDA-user: gnetlist and "flat" hierarchy handling


Well, I have trouble gnetlist (and in turn gsch2pcb as well) processing
project with "flat" or common refdefs across all schematics.

That is... I have several symbols with 'source' attribute in top level
schem. Each source is unique (copy), and to minimize components
I autonumbered components across whole schematic (with slotting
enabled). Now some sub-schematics share slotted ICs, but gnetlist
doesn't quite see it that way, since it prefixes all sub-schem elements
with "hierarchy tag", breaking slotting.

In addition, presumably "global symbols" as GND and Vcc are prefixed as
well, so I end up with different GND net for every schematic.

I presume there isn't much I can do (with current gnetlist) to avoid
prefixing (without changing schematics a lot), though a flag for
gnetlist or schematic attribute to prevent hierarchical prefixing would
be nice.

Has anyone having/had the same problem?
Anyone willing to do some gnetlist hacking?
I probably could "patch" the code, but I don't know my way around
gnetlist well enough (yet).

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