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Re: gEDA-user: gschem vs. autonumbering
>I wanted to renumbering a schematic, and it faild. I just dropped the
>components, all refdes was R?, C?...
>After, I wanted to autonumber the components. The first category was fine, all
>my resistors (refdes=R) was numberd from 1. Afterwards I have tried to
>autonumber the capacitors, so I set refdes=C. It continnued to number the
>capacitors from the last number of the resistors.
Yes, this is most certainly a bug in gschem. This bug has
already been entered into the jitterbug database as Bug#54.
>How can I make gschem to restart numbering from 1 each type of componets?
A really temp workaround is to exit gschem and then renumber the
next set. Another possible workaround is to use annotate.sh, which is
distributed (but not installed) with gnetlist: gnetlist/scripts/annotate.sh
This script will number things correctly, but only for a single schematic.
Somewhere I have a fixed up version which does multiple schematics, but
it needs work.