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gEDA-user: gwave

Success, gwave is working (I think?).

Thanks to John Griessen and John Sheahan.  Their had work has made me
able to view my ngspice outputs.  Much appreciated.  

Sheahan sent me the binaries from his redhat9 install of gwave and
things seem to be working.  After gwave began functioning I thought well
my be my install would work so, I tried to compile it myself but still
no luck.  I still get a recursive error.  Not sure why but I'm glad it's

I'm not sure if this is a bug or from the weird install but I can't
print out a plot.  Sure when I us the plot function a x-eps file is
created but when I open it, it arrears blank but with a rectangle
boarder.  Any ideas?

Thank you Griessen and Sheahan.

Eric N. <enist@cox.net>