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Re: gEDA-user: Notes from this evening's Free Dog meeting

On Thursday 04 August 2005 10:29 pm, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> Kicad is a marvelous program for board design

> Finally, Kicad doesn't build nicely, i.e. it doesn't use the
> GNU build system (i.e. configure etc.), 

wxWindows programs typically use Bakefiles to build they makefiles.
So it might be a simple mater to change the Bakefile template.

> After that, John Luciani passed out some info about his latest Perl
> creations:  A set of scripts which handle BOM management.  John's
> scripts are waaaaaay more advanced than the simple BOM generation
> provided by "gnetlist -g bom" 

> We talked about the problems involved 
> with parts procurement & how that can be integrated into the design
> cycle upfront, instead of at the end of the design phase.

Hope John posts them.  I actually try to do the BOM upfront, as well
as pick the board vendor before I start the layout.  You have to know the
footprint before you start, so you might as well find out if you can
buy the part first.

> into a discussion about PRM and ERP software, which I think is a
> possible next step for gEDA.

I was able to get Compiere running on my Linux box using 


Fyracle web site has a bug that always gets you stuck in the 'News' page.
I'll dig up the right links if anyone is interested, have to leave for work 

 http://www.unusualresearch.com/ http://www.bpaddock.com/