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Re: gEDA-user: Notes from this evening's Free Dog meeting

On Friday 05 August 2005 08:26 am, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > > Finally, Kicad doesn't build nicely, i.e. it doesn't use the
> > > GNU build system (i.e. configure etc.),=20
> >
> > wxWindows programs typically use Bakefiles to build the makefiles.
> > So it might be a simple mater to change the Bakefile template.
> We would probably agree about the detailed tricks used to build Kicad.
> However, the big-picture issue involves just how much of a hacker-god
> you need to be in order to do this!
> First off, you need to install
> system dependencies wxWidgets  and Mesa3D before you build Kicad.

Since my name is actually in the wxBook just released, I'm obviously
not an unbiased person when it comes to wxWidgets.

My name is near the bottom of this Amazon page:


"Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets (Bruce Perens Open Source)"

No, I don't get anything from the book so don't take this as ad for it, 

I am no fan of the Bakefile system.  Poorly documented and support on the 
Bakefile list is down right hostile.

> This usually requires root privelidges.  Secondly, neither of these
> dependencies use a standard build method.  In fact, you must edit the
> Makefiles to build them.  

Not exactly, but no reason to head off in that direction on this list.

> You must hand edit the Makefiles to build the program & have it run
> correctly.

Are gEDA and PCB really that different?  I usually have to go through
two or three tries to get gEDA to build every time I check out the code
from CVS.  I always seem to have issues getting PNG support to build right
on my box.  I've had to edit the Makefile every time, and setting 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH breaks other things in the Gentoo build system

> My point is this: If your program requires guru-level programming
> ability to install -- and involves hand-editing of Makefiles amongst
> other tricks -- it's a non-starter for newbies.

I agree.  However you can download KiCad for Windows and run it, no compiling
necessary.  You can't do that for gEDA or PCB.  I know Windows sucks but the 
commercial world is still fixated on that garbage.

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