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Re: gEDA-user: using buses in gschem

> Is there any documentation/examples for using buses?
> I already read gschem documentation but there is very few
> things about buses. There is written that buses are 
> like nets and something like buses are new and not finished yet.
Allready solved by a little hack:
I add bus and connect pins to it, then I run gsch2pcb and figure
out that buses don't change anything in foo.pcb it also don't chage
foo.net ( without adding nets betwen bus and pins ). So I give netnames
to this short nets betwen pins and bus ( like Data0, Data1 .... ) on one
and do the same on another package. And because nets with similar
are elecricly connected it solve this problem. There is nice bus in
and it generates correct foo.net.
watashi |v|3+@n
Cyril Hrubis  

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