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Re: gEDA-user: [pcb] query about "move to other side"

DJ Delorie wrote:
> When an two-pin element is mirrored to the other side, it would be
> nice if the pins stay in the same spot on the board,

[jg]Yes, but this can happen by using grid snap and the cursor position.
A helpful feature here would be thin lines extending in X and Y
all across the view for a cursor -- at least while positioning for mirror moves.

  Should packages mirror about
> their centroids , or mirror about the cursor location?

[jg] Cursor.

> mirror selection (i.e. multiple elements, traces, etc) - how to guess
> between Y flip and X flip? 

Create modes for the command once started, but before clicking or executing with a key-binding --
mode 1 "I feel lucky"                      --> flip with encoded "intelligence magic"
mode 2 "cursor is a thin line in X only,   --> flip vertically
mode 3 "cursor is a thin line in Y only.   --> flip horizontally
pcb-menu.res file has default settable as mode 1, 2, or 3.

> So PCB users, let me know how you think "mirror to other side" should
> work!


John Griessen

PS  Hope the dry humor offends no one....

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