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Re: gEDA-user: vertical resistor footprint

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> I
> did:http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/kai_martin_knaak/footprints/discrete/Resistor_thru_vertical2.fpBut
> I hosed the link in my index --Doh!. Now, the link is fixed..

> but I couldn't find it.  Please let me know what you think.

> You put the resistor on the other side :-)
> At my former day-job, lots of older projects had vertical resistors.
> I think it was their way to avoid SMD as long as posssible.

My logic is that pin-1 should be connected to whatever you're driving
high, low, or attenuating.  The active signal will appear somewhere very
convenient for probing -- at the top of the resistor.

David Griffith

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