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Re: gEDA-user: sparkfun 4 layer boards

> What's the quality and turnaround with a two-layer board from sparkfun?  I
> have a few toys that I've been meaning to get made.
I've used BatchPCB on quite a few 2 layer boards now.  It almost always 
seems to take 4 weeks calendar time, although I may have had bad luck. 
But don't even start checking the mail box until 3 weeks have gone by.

Quality has been variable. Until recently I'd have said mostly good.  In 
an earlier order I had a bad board, but in my last batch (of 4 designs) 
I ordered 4 copies of one design, a 48mm x 72mm 2 layer board, pretty 
simple, all through hole.  I got back 6 copies (I'm thinking "bonus!") 
but the first one I assembled had a short in it :(  I buzzed out another 
one and it was good so I assembled it no problem.  A friend wanted one, 
so I buzzed out another one and found another shorted board :(  so I 
buzzed out yet another one pretty thoroughly for shorts (but not 100% 
connectivity) and gave it to him.  He found an open trace which he had 
to jumper around.

So... mostly I've had a good experience but you have to be patient.  My 
last order was a disappointment. Order 4, get 6, 2 of which are 
unusable, 1 repairable, 1 known good, 2 untested.  Not a great batting 
average.  Up until that order I was a big fan.  I'll probably still use 
them because for small orders it is very hard to beat the price, but I'm 
a little skittish about pushing a highly complex board through them at 
the moment.

You can go direct to Gold Phoenix (which is the fab BatchPCB uses) and 
buy a panel at the "special price"
155 in^2 for $99, no electrical testing, "max 15% failure rate"
and for $20 more you can get them all electrically tested.

That may not be a bad deal, but there is sure no way that I could 
tolerate a 15% failure rate if I did order a panel.  I have no idea how 
that failure rate compares to competitors.  Even with electrical testing 
for 4 layer boards they quote a 2% failure rate, but the web page 
doesn't quote a failure rate for electrically tested 2 layer boards.


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