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Re: gEDA-user: Progress with unified build
On Sat, 8 Aug 2009, Dan McMahill wrote:
>Jason wrote:
>> Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
>>> I use my own symbols only, anyway.
>> Having just made my first symbol for my first project (pic10f202), I
>> have to ask, why? Does this include all the way down to rolling your
>> own resistors? Is it for legal (IP) reasons, or technical (prefer
>> everything in mm)?
>While I shouldn't speak for Kai-Martin, I can offer some reasons that I
>and others have had for this.
>- others ?
National or otherwise local standards. I know someone who would be really
angry at me if I used the --/\/\/-- resistor symbol instead of the -[]-
one, and of course no cad software can come with symbols for all possible
components drawn for all possible standards.
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