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gEDA-user: sdram project status

I've updated the files at http://www.delorie.com/electronics/sdram/

These files include the on-chip logic analyzer I wrote to debug the
internal workings of the fpga.  Note that it assumes a generic
old-school memory bus (address, data, nRD/nWR).  It has two 512x36
channels.  You can give both channels the same clock and different
samples (512x72) or opposide clocks (CLK0 and CLK180) and the same
samples (1024x36).  The samples and control registers are mapped to
the MCU's address space.  I included the diagnostic software, console
monitor, and conversion scripts - the samples are pulled out of the
FPGA to the MCU, across USB to the PC, and converted into VCD files so
you can view them with gtkwave (yes, I'm using gtkwave with physical
hardware :)

The SDRAM part seems to work correctly - my tests ran for six hours
without a single failure, then unexplainably started failing
miserably.  By "miserable" I mean it was doing things that even the
diagnostic's software shouldn't have allowed, like dumping 4000 trace
files when I told it to stop at 12 :-(

There's no effort at caching or optimizing the SDRAM interface.  It's
dumb.  Each MCU cycle incurs a full read/write cycle, including
opening the row and precharging it.  Future optimization options
include bursting, keeping rows open, and I left one of the BRAMs
available for a cache.  I am, however, running it at 133MHz (full
speed!), and did desolder all the vias so there are no stubs on the
sdram lines any more.  Actually, I don't use either of the logic
analyzer ports any more, now that I have the on-chip LA.

The sources there include a microsd interface, trivial "load file from
FAT16" interface, CRC7 and CRC16 functions, a trivial DLL system, and
how to program a spartan-3a from an MCU.

Basically, I'm declaring it a success and moving on to something else ;-)
(until it's time to use it on a real project, of course)


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