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gEDA-user: Issue with Icarus for windows v0.9.1 & lxt file generation

I am hoping that someone can help me with a problem that I am having.  I have upgraded to Icarus Verilog for windows v0.9.1 from the www.bleyer.org/icarus site.

Now when I run a simple test using the following two command line options
iverilog -o tb.vvp -s tb tb.v
vvp -l tb.log tb.vvp -lxt

I am not able to open the resulting waves.lxt file in gtkwave for windows V3.2.1.  If I switch the second command line to:
vvp -l tb.log tb.vvp -vpd

I can then open the resulting vpd file with gtkwave, after I rename the waves.lxt file to waves.vpd.

I have attached the waves.lxt file that gets generated from the V0.9.1 tool.

My tb.v file is as follows:

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns

module tb();

   real            heartrate;
   real            heartbeat;

   reg     [63:0]  clk_cnt;
   integer         numclks;

   real            tb_clk_unit;

   reg             tb_clk;
   reg             tb_rstb;
   reg     [7:0]   tb_cmp_val;

   initial begin
      heartrate = 10;

      clk_cnt = {64{1'h0}};
      numclks = 1000;

      tb_clk_unit = 5;

      tb_clk  = 1'b0;
      tb_rstb = 1'b1;
      tb_cmp_val = 8'h34;

   always #(tb_clk_unit) tb_clk = ~tb_clk;

   initial begin
      $dumpvars(0, tb);

   initial begin
      @(posedge tb_clk) tb_rstb <= 1;

      @(posedge tb_clk) tb_rstb <= 0;

      repeat (20) @(posedge tb_clk);

      @(posedge tb_clk) #1 tb_rstb <= 1;

      heartbeat = heartrate;
      for (clk_cnt = 0; clk_cnt <= numclks; clk_cnt = clk_cnt + 1) begin
         @(posedge tb_clk);

         if ((clk_cnt*100/(numclks)) >= heartbeat) begin
            $display(".... Simulation %d percent done ",((clk_cnt*100 / (numclks))));
            heartbeat = heartbeat + heartrate;



Note that I have the IVERILOG_DUMPER variable set to lxt in my environment.

I have previously been running Icarus Verilog for windows V0.8.2.  When I compile the same tb.v using Icarus for windows V0.8.2, I can open up the resulting waves.lxt file using gtkwave.

Has something changed in how you need to dump the resulting LXT file in moving from V0.8.2 to V0.9.1?  I have noticed that the 

Any direction on what I need to change to get my LXT output would be appreciated.


Jackson Nichol


Attachment: waves.lxt
Description: Binary data

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