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gEDA-user: .pdf to .pcb / exact coordinates
I have to make an stacked-like board, but the original pcb layers are in .pdf form. First of all I went through the .pdf -> .ps -> .epsi -> .pcb process, the result was good, quite similar to the original board.
However, I would place my connectors (headers) exactly the same position as those on the master board. So in the first round I've changed the circle object to crosshair. Unfortunately it seems pcb snaps only end point of my lines. Then I thought I change the crosshairs to dots (points) in qcad. As a result, in pcb, those "points" are still crossing lines (like a + sign), but smaller.
Is the any easier and accurate way to place connectors to the right position?
Furthermore, a part of my converted pcb always outside of the pcb editing area. Can I center it somehow? The commands I use:
- (print as .ps in qcad)
- ps2epsi board.ps board.epsi
- pstoedit -usebbfrominput board.epsi -f pcb board.pcb
Checking board.epsi with gv, it seems correct.
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