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Re: gEDA-user: .pdf to .pcb / exact coordinates

On Thu, 4 Aug 2011 11:20:50 +0200 (CEST)
SZABO Tamas <sza2king@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Is the any easier and accurate way to place connectors to the right
> position?
> Furthermore, a part of my converted pcb always outside of the pcb
> editing area. Can I center it somehow? The commands I use:
> - (print as .ps in qcad)
> - ps2epsi board.ps board.epsi
> - pstoedit -usebbfrominput board.epsi -f pcb board.pcb
> Checking board.epsi with gv, it seems correct.

You can use Inkscape to open the Postscript .ps file and then
manipulate the drawing to center it, expand the canvas, etc.
Finally you would export from Inkscape to a .eps file and continue with
pstoedit to export to pcb.


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