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Re: gEDA-user: Titleblocks: unlocking and filling in.

<chuckle> I find it funny that we all have the same "issue".  Maybe a
change to the UI is in order (ie an unlock tool) or some doc changes are
in order.  

I just edited my title block as follows:

a) select the selection tool

b) do a box select around the whole drawing.  This will select the
titleblock and all the elements(objects) in it.  I can't help but wonder
if the box select should select a locked element or if this is a bug...

c) to unselect the included components (other than the titleblock) I
hold down the control key and box select everything that I don't want
selected, ie everything other than the titlebox. 

This should now leave only the titleblock selected, ready for further


On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 10:51 -0800, Jean-Francois Blavier wrote:
> Kim and Florian,
> > I had the same problem today :) my search revealed:
> I too was wondering about that ;)
> > The only way how to selected locked components is with a selection box.
> > 
> > So, just select them using a selection box, then unlock them from the 
> > edit menu or eShift l and then you can select the frame just as an usual 
> > component.
> Unfortunately, I had very neatly positioned the titleblock into
> the upper left-hand corner of the workspace.  Try as I might, I
> could not include the titleblock into the selection box.  The
> solution was to use vi and edit the file, like so:
> $ diff adc-pwr.sch.orig adc-pwr.sch
> 2c2
> < C 0 73700 0 0 0 title-bordered-C.sym
> ---
> > C 0 73700 1 0 0 title-bordered-C.sym
> Triple hurrah for open ASCII file formats !!
> Cheers,
> Jean-Francois
> PS: Ales, I originally sent this message from an address which is not
>     subscribed to geda-user.  Very sorry.  Won't happen again  :)
Kim Lux,  Diesel Research Inc.