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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Suite CD .isos available

Hi Stuart,

>Following up Ales release of the new 20041228 tarballs, I have
>incorporated the new gEDA/gaf distribution into my gEDA Suite CD.
>Ales --  Please feel free to stick the .iso & README & Install notes
>onto the geda.seul.org download page.  If you wish, I would be happy
>to edit the web page for you to include this stuff.  However, I figure
>you should make the call about who edits the web page, so I'll wait
>for your say-so. 

	I have added your iso to the download page.  In fact, I have
revamped the whole page:  


I'm still not 100% happy with the end result, but it should be easier
for new users.  Comments always welcome.


PS. Stuart you may want to add the following to the README/INSTALL (after
proper editing):

You can mount iso files in Linux without burning them to a real CD.
The loopback driver provides such a mechanism.  Example:

mount -o loop filename.iso /mnt

You must have a kernel compiled with the loopback device or have the loopback
device handy as a module and you must do the above mount as root.