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gEDA-user: gEDA in the news

Two items of interest for folks interested in gEDA's reception in the
wider world. 

1.  Last night I received advanced copies of January 2006's Linux
Journal.  There is a nice article on p. 84 about circuit design using
the gEDA Suite. It was written by a frequent poster to this list.  :-)
It says nothing unfamiliar to folks who already use gEDA, but
it may serve to publicize gEDA beyond the small circle of electronics
geeks who are already in the know.  It covers the process of designing
a board, and has a couple of screenshots, including one of a simple
board done using the suite.  The author's photo stinks, however. 

2.  I also happened to see this article in EE Times:


It's also in the 11.28.2005 print edition, on p. 36.  Most of the
article is about the open-sourcing of the Verilog simulator VeriWell,
but it does mention Icarus, saying, in part:

    Mednick [VeriWell's author] . . . . acknowledges [that Icarus] has 
    "way more features than VeriWell."  

Way to go, Steve Williams!
