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Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

Adrian Nania wrote:
I do believe for more than 98% of people working with electronic
components it is not possible to install and use the latest gEDA
version. The endless compiling errors and flavor dependencies are
unbelievable. Yeah, we can always google around and after many hard
working weeks have an installation method working for just a few days
before some "justified" changes in name or settings.

I have two comments about this.

1) I do think it would probably make sense to create a more unified top level build and top level distfile for gEDA. While there may be some users who want to install gschem for schematics and only want to use it for postscript output, most people probably want to install the entire suite. A single

  ./configure --prefix=/opt/geda-2006xxyy
  make install

would be useful. If others agree I can probably create a top level configure script and Makefile.am. I suspect this would make many of the problems go away.

2) I have to blame a lot of the problems on packaging systems used by the various OS vendors. For example, it is always as easy to install the latest geda on NetBSD as any other software because you just do (cd /usr/pkgsrc/cad/geda && make install). No doubt about it though, it can be a pain.

On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many
places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they are
forced to use Windows.

geda, I believe, works alright on cygwin. To create a non-cygwin version certainly requires dealing with guile but also you still need to have a shell available. gnetlist is a command line utility as are several of the other components.

I've had the "make the Windows port available" discussion many many
times (both virtually and in person).  Just this last week I was talking
to another OSS developer (for a totally different program and
*significantly* (100x to 1000x) larger user base) and he stated that the
moment they released a Windows binary: the whining, the complaining,
cluelessness, and general jerk behavior increased *a lot*.

I wonder how much this was coupled to them being windows users vs it just being a big increase in the total number of users. I suspect with geda there would be a lot of the former because the suite is not a fully integrated, do everything only via the mouse, sort of tool.

I'm not opposed in general to doing things which help in terms of software working on cygwin or mingw but at the same time it is hard to get too motivated on that front. After all, this is a hobby for me and I will probably *never* run the windows version of any of this myself.


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