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Re: gEDA-user: Re: strange build failure

On Wednesday 06 December 2006 09:29, Evan Lavelle wrote:

> Nice to see you've got a native Windoze build - I hope to get around to
> trying it over the next couple of months. I don't want to get involved
> in this particular flamefest, but it's a simple fact that most hardware
> development is on Windows. Anyone who seriously thinks otherwise should
> spend 20 minutes reading comp.arch.fpga.

I can confirm that it's a simple fact that most hardware development is on 
Solaris, or, increasingly, Linux.  Anyone who seriously thinks otherwise 
should work in the same office as a bunch of chip designers for a year or so.



P.S. Seriously.  They all had Windows boxes on their desks, but they'd use VNC 
to run the Cadence IC development tools on a bunch of souped up Solaris and 
Linux servers sitting at one end of the office...

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