Ales Hvezda wrote:
It is possible for some good Samaritan to compile for windows and make
available all the updated gEDA packages?
I've had the "make the Windows port available" discussion many many times
(both virtually and in person). Just this last week I was talking to
another OSS developer (for a totally different program and *significantly*
(100x to 1000x) larger user base) and he stated that the moment they
released a Windows binary: the whining, the complaining, cluelessness,
and general jerk behavior increased *a lot*.
Right now I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of the users and
discussions on the mailing lists and I have no intention of crashing a
good thing.
Well, I for one do not use Windows except under duress, but I
think the above sentiment is a tad patronizing. Icarus Verilog
includes Windows packages, and I have no reason to believe the
Windows dolts are any worse then the Linux or MacOS variety.
If anything, it's the Solaris folks that are the most cranky;-)