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Re: gEDA-user: Re: strange build failure

>> Right now I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of the users and
>> discussions on the mailing lists and I have no intention of crashing a
>> good thing. 
>Well, I for one do not use Windows except under duress, but I
>think the above sentiment is a tad patronizing. Icarus Verilog
>includes Windows packages, and I have no reason to believe the
>Windows dolts are any worse then the Linux or MacOS variety.
>If anything, it's the Solaris folks that are the most cranky;-)

	Hehe.  Again, I didn't mean to imply that all Windows users
are dolts.  Gah.  

	Also, something else to consider, Icarus is a command line tool
to begin with and requires skill to drive.  That in itself is a barrier
to use right off the bat.  While GUI programs seem to be held to a totally
different standard.  I see it everyday, that if a GUI program doesn't
behave *exactly* how a user expects, it is immediately discarded and
based on this limited exposure gets a bad reputation.  That's not very
fair and I'm trying hard to avoid setting gEDA up for that sort of
PR disaster.


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