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Re: gEDA-user: tragesym.py question

On Dec 19, 2006, at 2:55 PM, Stuart Brorson wrote:

I am not sure if the "~" gets resolved. You may want to try

This also had no effect.

Neither ~ nor ${HOME} will get resolved by guile. Use "." That is, do this:

1.  I assmue your project directory is ${HOME}/user/trunk.  If not,
then make it so from now on out.

2.  Place the symbols you want to use into ${HOME}/user/trunk/symbols.

3.  Rename your gschemrc file to gafrc.  It should live in
${HOME}/user/trunk.  That is, your RC file should now have absolute
path ${HOME}/user/trunk/gafrc

4.  In gafrc, put this line:

(component-library "./symbols")

5.  Run gschem from your project directory ${HOME}/user/trunk.  That
is, do this to run gschem:

cd ${HOME}/user/trunk
gschem myschematic.sch

1. Is the file I am supposed to create really supposed to be named

gschemrc will work. gafrc is better since it will be also read by gnetlist, gsch2pcb and so on. gschemrc is deprecated.

Make sure gafrc lives in your main
project directory.  Run all programs from your main project
directory.  Run the programs from the command line in a terminal
shell.  Don't use any whizzy, shiny desktop icons to run gschem (if
you have them) since you won't know what directory gschem is starting
in.  The key is: start gschem in teh same directory as where your
gafrc lives.

2. Where should this file live?

In best case, it should live in your local project directory to affect your local project. Run all gEDA/gaf tools from teh command line in this directory.

3. Assuming gschem correctly finds my symbol library, where will my symbols
be located inside the GUI? Do they go in that empty "local" spot at the
bottom, or will they be stored in a directory that I defined via the rc

Scroll down to the bottom of the component browser, locate the sub-library called "Symbols" (i.e. the name you gave above) and look for your stuff in there.

If this works, let us know and I will put this into the wiki since it
seems like a FAQ.

Please put all of this into the FAQ ... it's quite non-obvious!


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