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gEDA-user: Moving Element-Names
I'm just playing around with my first PCB-file generated via gschem2pcb.
But even after about an hour of trying, I do not manage to reliably move
element-names around. Those elements were generated via gschem2pcb from
oldlib components.
I sometimes can move element-names using mouse-button-1 or button-2.
But not in all cases will pcb select the name for moving. Sometimes it
will move the element and sometimes it won't move anything. For some
elements (especially where the name is large compared to the element
outline) I never manage to move the name. I selected "component" as the
active layer.
I still manage to select all element names individually, but that
doesn't help with moving. With gschem I would just press 'm' in that
situation to move an element...
Reading the docs and some googling didn't help so far. I'm certainly
making some fundamental mistake here. Anybody who can help?
best regards,
David Kühling
PS: I'm using pcb-20060822
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