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gEDA-user: gerbv - abnormal exit (2nd attempt)
Sorry if this eventually shows up twice. "From:" didn't match my
subscribed address on my first attempt.
Upon using version 1.0.3 to view:
%AMRECT*0 Round-cornered rectangle *
0 PARAMS: <width>,<height>,<corner diameter>,<angle>,<sine>,<cosine>*
I am greeted with:
*** glibc detected *** .: double free or corruption (out): 0x086b9000
followed by a massive stack dump I've omitted for brevity. Of course,
these data may be bogus, but I suspect the developers didn't intend
memory corruption to result. Platform: Fedora 8 (including GCC, and
requisite libraries).
Indeed, I *think* the data are fine. Close examination should reveal
the macro renders two rectangles overlapped to form a larger rectangle
with four small squares removed from its corners. The squares are then
filled by four circles centered so the result is a rectangle with its
pointy bits rounded off.
If I remove the "-" from between "Round" and "cornered" in the aperture
macro comment, gerbv displays *something*, but I don't believe it is
right. If I replace the "-" with an "X", I'm back to the stack dump.
It appears the comment is somehow mistaken for an expression.
J. Wilson
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