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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Wikibook ?

On 26/12/10 01:13, Karl Hammar wrote:
I don't do latex, because not one sane person on any planet
can explain Tex. (yes, i've read all the tex manuals and have written
compiler tools)

Strange wording. I've not read the tex manuals and I can still produce
and be fluent with Latex.

About Tex, it's just an old macro processor and as such it has it's
drawbacks. The good point (depending of your point of view) about
Tex is that it's format is stable, you don't have to relearn every
tree years.

I've written documents with images in Latex. It all seems quite neat
on the surface. When you dig down to Tex to try and do something for
templates other than "book" or "article", there's no hope in hell
in making sense of the incoherent ramblings of all the existing
Tex documentation. The most technical terms for the parsing machinery
is "throat/gullet/stomach".

Where is the BNF syntax for the Tex parser, or the list of
recognized characters for the recognized keywords?

Where is the list of builtin functions for any builtin

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