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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist in a Makefile

Thank you for all the answers to my questions. With your help I found the 
following solution:

# start simulator
test4: test4.cir
	ngspice  test4.cir

# run drc2
test4.drc : test4.sch
	gnetlist -g drc2 test4.sch -o test4.drc
	if grep ERROR test4.drc ; then \
	  echo "Failed DRC test!" ; false ; \

# create spice netlist
test4.cir : test4.sch test4.drc
	if grep ERROR test4.drc ; \
	  then echo "Failed DRC test!" ; false ;   \
	  else gnetlist -g spice-sdb test4.sch -o test4.cir > test4.gnet ; \

I will put it in my HOWTO about the design environment.
