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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist in a Makefile

Hi Carlos --

> In order to do that, I needed to hack gnetlist so it allows to pass a
> parameter to the backend. The new option is -O. If you don't want
> gnetlist returning a non-zero value when there are only warnings, you
> should add '-O ignore-warnings-in-return-value' to gnetlist's command
> line.
> I have just committed the changes into CVS, so you can test it.=20
> Stuart, I used and modified the function g_get_calling_flags to pass
> parameters to the backend. Now parameters are appended to a list when
> parsing the command line options, and then g_get_calling_flags builds a
> list with all of them. I hope I haven't broken anything. Please, review
> the changes. Thanks.

I downloaded CVS and built it.  I tested it using spice-sdb with
various combinations of argument flags set.   Everything seemed to
work just fine.  I also ran gsch2pcb on another of my designs just to
verify that it worked.  (Gsch2pcb calls gnetlist internally) It ran
fine also. 

Thank you, Carlos, for this useful addition!
