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Re: gEDA-user: Heirarchical design (again)

> I've got a two multi-component subcircuits that are repeated multiple =
> times on my schematic, 23 and 68 times respectively.
> I know how to create symbols with underlying schematics.  My questions:
> - Does the netlister know to recurse into the underlying schematics?
> - What happens to refdes attributes?

Since you've alrady got the schematics, why don't you just try it out
and tell *us* what happens.   :-)

Seriously, some points:

*  Place a source= attribute in the symbol of the bottom schematic
which is instantiated in the top schematic.  This tells the netlister
to dive into the lower schematic.

*  The last time I tried this with spice-sdb, it didn't work
properly.  I don't know if that's a spice-sdb problem or a gnetlist
problem, although I suspect the former.

*  Hierarchical busses still don't work, IIRC.  Other stuff should.

*  If you only want to create SPICE netlists, try out Bill Cox's gnetman.
