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gEDA-user: Please submit comments and bug reports for install CD!

Hi guys --

The next spin of gEDA will come out the chute in a few weeks, and
along with the new gEDA revision I will create the next CD

In order to make gEDA installation ever more simple and painless, I
would like to improve the CD.  I am interested in input from users who
have used the CD to install gEDA.  Other suggestions are welcome, but
I'm much more interested in hearing about real user experiences --
good and bad -- rather than theoretical points from those who haven't
tried it.  

Therefore, if you used the CD to do a gEDA Suite install, please let
me know:

*  Did the whole thing run successfully?  If it failed somewhere, then
where did it fail?  Do you have an install log?

*  Where did you install the sources (i.e. which directory?)

*  Where did you install the executables (directory?)

*  Did you need to become root in order to install any packages
(e.g. guile?, Tcl/Tk?)  

*  What distribution do you use?

*  Any comments or questions about the installer?

Please either post your remarks here, or send them to me at: sdb (AT)
cloud9 (dot) net.  Please put "gEDA-installer" in the subject
somewhere so that your e-mail gets past the spam filtering process.  

