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gEDA-user: replacement of gschem_renum script

Hi folks,

I've writen a replacement of refdes_renum script. This program was
written in C. It just numbers the refdes's if there's any "?" in the
refdes string. It does not care if there are same refdeses. It asumes
that it's a slotted component.

You can download the source from this link:


It would be nice if this code could run after every component placement
in gschem. Then a user should manually set the same refdes for slotted
components, and it would not be renumbered again as it is now with
refdes_renum script.

Moreover, it ignores the letters after a number in a refdes string (e.g.
U3a, U3b). If gsch2pcb was doing it so, we would have eg. IC2a and IC2b
in the schematics, and IC2 in the pcb layout. That's pretty.

It assumes that new components are placed in the end of the .sch file.
Is it allways true? The disadvantage of this program is that when you
want to copy blocks, it won't renumber the copyed parts.

Please send comments and feedback to


I hope it helps implementing at least forwardd annotation in gschem and



Email: levente.kovacs@xxxxxxx
Phone: +41227672276
Fax: +41227678200
Home Page: http://web.interware.hu/lekovacs
Public key: http://web.interware.hu/lekovacs/CERN/public_key


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