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RE: gEDA-user: Symbol "source" files

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-geda-user@xxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-geda-user@xxxxxxxx]On
> Behalf Of Matt Ettus
> Sent: 15 February 2005 03:46
> To: geda-user@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: gEDA-user: Symbol "source" files
> Most of the gschem symbols I create are done as "tragesym" source
> files.  I think it makes more sense to distribute the source files,
> since then the user can "build" them for whatever version of geda they
> use.  if I distribute the sym file, it will use an out of date format.

Shouldn't tragesym be listed on <http://www.geda.seul.org/tools/utils/index.html>?



P.S. I've written a short Python script that generates symbols for arbitrary size headers.  If anyone's interested in it, let me know.

System Display Group
Sharp Laboratories of Europe