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RE: gEDA-user: gnetlist output to stdout?

Hi Peter,

El lun, 14-02-2005 a las 08:14 +0000, Peter Brett escribió:
> I've written quite a complicated Python script that takes the output of the redac 
> and bom backends, renames all the components with a heirachical refdes to the toplevel 
> (because having an 0402 capacitor with a refdes like "D1/A4/C3" is impractical for the 
> silkscreen) and creates a new Racal Redac netlist & an Orcad-style BOM.
> If I could just read the output of gnetlist straight into a variable, it would be useful. 
>  As it is, I'm having to mess about with temporary files. :-(

I have just tested and commited to CVS the changes to the bom, bom2, and
redac backends, so they output to stdout if the output filename is "-". 
Hope you can simplify your script! :-) 



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