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Re: gEDA-user: Question about PCB

> It was my failure trying to connect lines first and place filling areas
> after doing that. (Because in the PCB-programs I know you have to do
> this like this) So I thougtht that it don't works...
> With your hint I try to place an area first and draw then lines - and it
> works..

The order does not matter. What matters is whether the lines were created
the "clearing" or "joining" property when they were created. It's selectable
in the
settings menu.

> <snip>
> Yes, but am I rigtht - that I am only able to draw pins like lines? -
> with the same restrictions for the with?
> I only see  the options to change the with of the lines (pads) by
> increments of 10 mil.
> What shall I do, if I need a Pad which is not in mil?

You can set the line size for new lines to any value you like by typing
":SetValue(Line, 2.137, mm)" for example to make new lines of 2.137 mm
You can also change an existing line to a new size by typing
":ChangeSize(Object, 7, mil)" with the cursor over the line. You can also
a collection of lines by using "SelectedLines" instead of "Object".

You can also move an object by a specific amount with the command
":MoveObject(X,Y,dim)" e.g. ":MoveObject(14,-8,mil)" to move the object
under the cursor right 14 mils and up 8 mils.
