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Re: gEDA-user: I do not understand: What is the meaning of the attribute "pinseq"

I believe that pinseq is ignored by the netlister for PCB.  I use the
pinseq attribute for spice-sdb, it tells the netlister which order to
emit pins in fur use with .subckts.  This is different from pinnumber,
which is the physical number of the pin in the package. 

If you don't use spice-sdb, you don't need to set the pinseq attribute.


> Hello,
> excuse if I ask the next fool question, but I do not understand the manual:
> the value pinnumber is the real pin-number of the footprint (in pcb)?
> but for what reason do I need a value "pinseq"?
> I've got too the "pinname" to explain which pin (like "A0" it is...
> Please, is  somebody so kind and tell me in simple words, what the 
> meaning of "pinseq" is and why I shall need this?
> Thank you!
> Manfred