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Re: gEDA-user: PCB under Window$

On Thursday 24 February 2005 06:35 pm, Piotr R. wrote:

> Worked for me too, but my X choices were pretty random :)

Having just X is installed is not enough.

> > Does anyone has experience with PCB on Windows? 

Yes.  I was using it at work, on works projects, until the IT department 
removed it; see the January 9th Dilbert, it is mine. :-(  Boss said he wanted 
to choose his battles and did not want that one right now.

> The only problems are with GUI:
> 1. the editing area (active project area) does not resize when I
> maximize main window.
> 2. some (most) menus are too short to display all contents.

You need to install one of the window mangers like WindowMaker
or FluxBox.  I like FluxBox myself but it is not in the standard Cygwin setup, 
WindowMaker is.

If you do not run PCB under one of the Window Mangers you get symptoms like 
you are seeing.  Things are the wrong  size or they get stuck in the corner 
or on top of something and you can not move them.  It gets really bad when 
something gets stuck over the menu line at the top.

Once running under a Manger I had no problems with PCB that I did not have 
with PCB on Linux.  You should be using the most recent snapshot or CVS 