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Re: gEDA-user: PCB Gtk port

Bill Wilson wrote:

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 10:39:44 +1100
Terry Porter <techman@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Zoom level 8 looks about real size ?

I'm not sure what you're asking?

It's not important I'm sure, ... when Gpcb has a zoom level of zero, would the size of components on the screen be their actual real world size ?

<feature request>
And just to show that personal preferences differ (sorry Matt :) I prefer the net list in a separate window,
and have a feature request, would it be possible to add a 'deselect' button to that window or make a second click deselect the highlighted item?
</feature request>

OK, one more tarball is up. Now there's a deselect button that operates on the currently selected net entry in the left treeview.

And I modified the behaviour of the nodes in the right treeview so only one
node stays selected on the layout to match the one selected in the treeview.
You can deselect the selected node by <ctrl>mouse button clicking.

It does operate nicer now, good suggestion.

Wow, that was a *fast* feature addition, thanks Bill.


Kind Regards
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