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Re: gEDA-user: Building subcircuits in gschem and pcb possible?

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 17:02:19 -0200
Xtian Xultz <xultz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Just my opinion, by I hate that kynd of thing. I made a board with 16 
> amplifiers, all exactly the same, but I drawed everyone (copy and paste, 
> sure), but in the final result I had a lot of sheets with the same circuit 
> but different refdes. Why? Because I prefer so. When I see that R45 is 
> connected together to R48 in the pin 3 of U12, I know thats exactly what I 
> have on the board. Looking to diagrams with blocks representing part of the 
> circuit, to me, is good only to theoric explanation about the board. But
> the diagram itsel, must contain every little part of the circuit.

I did this too in my 2 channel 3 way crossover design. It's realy worth having lot's of sheet. I did copy paste, an then renumber it all by grenum.



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