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Re: gEDA-user: Building subcircuits in gschem and pcb possible?
Just my opinion, by I hate that kynd of thing. I made a board with 16
amplifiers, all exactly the same, but I drawed everyone (copy and paste,
sure), but in the final result I had a lot of sheets with the same circuit
but different refdes. Why? Because I prefer so. When I see that R45 is
connected together to R48 in the pin 3 of U12, I know thats exactly what I
have on the board. Looking to diagrams with blocks representing part of the
circuit, to me, is good only to theoric explanation about the board. But the
diagram itsel, must contain every little part of the circuit.
Em Ter 07 Fev 2006 14:37, Klaus Rudolph escreveu:
> Hi all,
> I have a circuit which contains a lot of identical subcircuits.
> I have 8 times the same power amp (some resistors and transistors)
> and a micro controller in my circuit. Now I want only draw the
> power amp one time, use it 8 times and draw the controller circuit,
> connect the controller to the amps and process it to pcb.
> Is there a chance to do so? Maybe I can simply copy my amp.sch
> 8 times to differnt names, run refdes_renum over all the files and
> after that run gsch2pcb. This will work but is not really what I want,
> because there is no possibility to connect the subcircuits
> to the controller in this case...
> And is it also possible to use a kind of "element" which is the
> power amp which could be placed 8 times and after that only
> connect the "rest" of my circuit via the normal netlist and line tools?
> Thanks
> Klaus