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gEDA-user: noise analysis in ngspice?
- To: geda-user@xxxxxxxx
- Subject: gEDA-user: noise analysis in ngspice?
- From: Ron Crummett <rcrummett@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:52:24 -0800
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Hi -
We are learning noise analysis in my communications circuits class right
now. My instructor does simulations with WinSpice, but I try using
ngspice to do them as well. Up until now it's worked great, but noise
analysis does not. When I try to run a netlist that includes noise
analysis parameters in WinSpice it works fine, but in ngspice I get
errors, telling me "Noise input source Vac not found in circuit" and
then aborts the noise simulation. I have attached my netlist here for
observation; what do I need to change? Thanks.
-Ron Crummett
HW5_1.cir - EE 513, Assignment 5, Problem 1
destroy all
noise v(2) Vac dec 20 10 10meg
Vac 1 0 ac 1
R1 1 2 100k
C1 2 0 1p