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Re: gEDA-user: OFF: triac

On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 22:07:06 +1100
John Sheahan <jrsheahan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This does not make much sense to me.
> As I understand it a zero crossing opto turns on just after the start of 
> a cycle. Like a good solid state relay.   Your previous mail said you 
> want to modulate power, which assumes you are not switching at zero 
> crossing, but later.  Which do you want?

I think one can make power modulation with both types. With zero crossing something like this: "switch on for one cycle, switch off for 3 cycles... and so on." Difference is only in timings. Am I right? I guess I go for the zero crossing type to produce less noise on the mains network, since I run audio equipments too.



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